Thursday, January 14, 2010

an open invitation for Nora Ephron

Dear Ms. Ephron,

I cordially invite you to have lunch with me.

Knowing how fond you are of cooking, you are more than welcome to come to my humble apartment in the Raleigh suburbs. And while I'm no Julia Child (or even Julie Powell, for that matter), I'm sure I can handle boeuf bourguignon (although I don't think I can say it). I also make a decent shrimp scampi, and I now know the difference between sesame tahini and sesame oil (not that either belong in scampi). And have you ever had my chocolate amaretti cake? It's fabulous, I promise you.

Or perhaps we can cook something together, perhaps from Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything. You would especially love the bread recipes.

If you're up for neither, Raleigh has some great restaurants. Porter's, for example, makes a mac and cheese to die for. Or The Flying Biscuit -- my mouth waters at the mere mention of The Flying Biscuit. Or I could come to New York. We could venture out to Brooklyn and eat at Junior's. Or simply find a pizza dive. My treat, of course.

We'd have many things to talk about during lunch. We can talk about being women, New York, purses, men, and perhaps swap a recipe or two. And writing. What I really want to talk to you about is writing. I enjoy your writing, Ms. Ephron. I enjoy what you write about. I relate to your writing about what you know. I appreciate your sense of humor. Your writing has inspired my writing. I even mentioned you in the acknowledgements of my novel.

It doesn't have to be a long lunch -- I know you're a busy woman.

So what do you say? Will you have lunch with me?
I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,


Elspeth Futcher said...

Here's hoping she read it and accepts!


Elisa said...

If she does, then I'm posting an open letter to AS for a date!

Rosalie T. Schraut said...

Hello Ms. Lorello,
This past weekend, I downloaded both Faking It and Ordinary World and finished them both. This was an accomplishment since I have 3 boys (5, 3, & 6 mos, who's still nursing) and my husband was in China.

I thoroughly enjoyed both your books, however Ordinary World haunted me. It has made me question my relationships with my family and response should something happen to them. Although I have been fortunate not to have lived through a catastrophe as Sam, I have dealt with depression after being sexually abused, drowning in the loss of my childhood, covering it up, and engaging is “lascivious” behavior to prove to myself that I could control something. But as you showed in your book, you need to love yourself enough to be able to understand what you can and cannot control.

In my review on Amazon for Ordinary World, I stated I was frustrated Andi for most of the book and was waiting her to snap out of it. In my current situation, I cannot afford to luxuriate in self pity. No matter what happens, I have 3 boys that I need to live for...but Andi didn't have that. However her mother did...and I am still wrestling with her reaction to Andi's father's dealth. The fact that I am still thinking about this, is a testimate to your writing.

I wish you continued success. Your AS reference of Sam Seaborne in FIwas not lost on me. Although we own The WW, if it is on Bravo, we will watch it. My husband and I quote it quite often. And if NE ever takes you up on your offer, I will be waiting with baited breathe on the outcome of that adventure.

Warmest Regards,

Elisa said...

Rosalie, what a beautiful letter -- thank you so much for taking the time not only to read my books, but to review them and respond to me as well (and I bow down to you -- being a mom of three boys is an accomplishment of its own!).

There were times when I too was frustrated w/ Andi's inertia, and I outright cried over Sam's death. I admired her courage to push forward.

Peace to you, and thank you again. Hugs!