Sunday, August 31, 2008

100th post

It's my 100th post, readers! Thanks for sticking with me so far.

When I lived and taught in Massachusetts, the fall semester always began the day aftar Labor Day. Thus, I treated Labor Day like New Year's Day. I made resolutions and set intentions for the coming school year. I bid my summer goodbye and looked forward to the smells of school supplies and the hallways in UMass Dartmouth. I suppose that's why it's taken a little longer for me to get mentally back to school here -- it's just not time yet.

So we're here on the eve of Labor Day. Maybe I can make some resolutions and set some intentions now:

  • Be more present to students.

  • Be more present to my writing.

  • Find a better sense of balance (and post about it).

  • Keep this blog interesting, engaging, and interactive.

  • Promote my novel.

  • Finish my other novel. (That goes for my nonfiction book, too.)

  • Upkeep my website (I've been neglecting it).

  • Constantly be present to and celebrate the process, the craft, and the joy or writing.

  • Read more. The pleasure reading, I mean. That includes audiobooks. (I just love being read to!)

  • Keep learning about the business of publishing.

  • Promote myself.

  • Create and activate the workshops I have in mind (there's nothing stopping me but my own resistence).

  • Smile. Smile a lot. Smile on the inside.

  • Eat. Pray. Love. (Yes, I'm ripping off Elizabeth Gilbert's book title. But I'll plug it as I crib it, because I just finished reading it and really enjoyed it.)

  • Get out of my own way.

Anyone else have a new-academic-year's resolution? Please share!

And thanks again for reading. When I began this blog, I figured it was going to be just a more socially acceptable way for me to talk to myself (ha!). But you've all read and responded and gave me things to think about as well. This has become your blog as much as it is mine.

Here's to the next 100 posts!



Gina Eaves said...

"Get out of my own way."

Now that's a challenge! And one I understand all too well.

Elisa said...

If you have any success w/ it, let me know!

Mamie said...

My women's group did a book called, "Get Out of Your Own Way - Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior" and it was a hit. Quail Ridge has a copy. Good luck with your resolutions.

Elisa said...

thanks, Mamie! I'll have to add it to my list.