Saturday, March 7, 2009

"the length of this conversation has far outlasted my interest in it..."

I've been in an Aaron Sorkin mood lately. Earlier this week I took out the Studio 60 episodes I had taped when they aired two years ago (was also delighted to find John Mayer's VW commercial where he's rockin' out w/ a kick-ass 15-second solo) -- still have the same mixed feelings about that show. Then I Netflixed Sports Night. I vaguely remember when this show aired in the late 90s, but don't remember watching it. It wasn't until about four years ago when I watched most of season one w/ my friend in his MA River Road apartment (but that's another story). It's surreal and sad to see every opening shot of the Twin Towers, so innocent and unsuspecting of their fate.

There's some good stuff in Sports Night, although the laugh track drives me nuts. The thirty-minute format is another thing that throws me off. It almost seems like the show ends just as a story gets going. This isn't a criticism as much as it is a testament to how Aaron gets his audience hooked.

Anyhoo, it got me writing this week, which is always a good thing. He always makes me want to be better at what I do, which is the best part of Aaron Sorkin, really. All his characters and creations celebrate excellence from the perspective of passion. It's not only that these characters are so good at what they do, but they love doing it. We need more of that. I need more of that.

Thanks, Aaron.
(And yeah, I miss the Twin Towers. And that River Road apartment. But like I said, that's another story.)


Heather Grace Stewart said...

I miss TV with a brain. At least we have the board...
Loving your blog! Informative and funny.

Elisa said...

Thanks, Heather! Pass it on!
I like yours, too, and I'll add it to my list.